646f9e108c A cop, his partner, and his father uncover a plot by city elders to smuggle drugs from Mexico into Phoenix, Arizona. For some reason, it took a grand total of FIVE screenwriters to make the script for this movie. But despite all these people working on the story, apparently none of them were able to make it interesting. It's a real slow-moving exercise; it feels like a script for a weekly television show stretched out to twice the length. And the various plot turns also come straight out of a clichéd and predictable television police show. But the script is just one of the problems with the movie. The two Sheens and Mark Dacascos are not used well - the Sheens can't seem to generate any chemistry in their scenes despite their real life relationship, and Dacascos doesn't get to use his real life martial art skills. Instead, the action is confined to shoot-out and car chases, which might have been okay had they been directed and edited in a professional manner, but they're not. In fact, they are surprisingly incompetently constructed. (Well, except for the exploding building at the climax - I admit that looked pretty cool.) And the whole package is directed by Bret Michaels in a way that not only makes everything look real cheap, also strangely hides anything that would show without doubt that the movie was actually shot in Arizona. In the end, the movie is a real disappointment from Millennium Films, who usually does a lot better than this. This was a very disappointing film. I expect a lot more from Martin Sheen. The plot was week. Oh, and the long winded lectures from "bad guys" justifying their actions…give me a break. The producers slapped the name SHEEN on the title and didn't pay attention to the story line.
highwelboxstem Admin replied
338 weeks ago